Buying Business Series (购买生意知识系列)
- Types and steps 类型与步骤
- Due diligence 尽职调查
- Close a deal 完成交易
- Buying shares 购买某公司的股份
- Selection of the most suitable business structure 选择最适合你的生意模式
What the ATO is targeting? (税局ATO正在关注什么)
- Five common mistakes on taxation 税局关于五种最常见的报税错误的鉴定
- Poor booking records cause small business fail 税局警告小生意帐目记录差错
- Work-related car and travelling expenses 与工作相关的车及旅行费用的抵税
- Case study of the car and travelling expenses 车旅费用抵税的案例分析
- WREs claims (1) 谨慎申报与工作相关的各项花费 (1)
- WREs claims (2) 谨慎申报与工作相关的各项花费 (2)
- Holiday home & rental property - Tax deductions 投资房的抵税
- Superannuation 养老金
- Documents needed for ATO audits 税局审查个人税表时需要什么材料
- New deduction rules about cash wages & contractor fees 工资和承包商费用抵税的新规定
- Claiming work-related car expenses 谨慎申报与工作相关的车的费用
- ATO watching for overseas income 税局正在关注纳税人的海外收入
Property & Tax Series (房地产税务知识系列)
- Vacant land 空置土地
- Subdivision of land 分割土地
- Case study - Long term investment property 案例分析 - 长期投资房
- GST issues affecting land developers 房地产开发商面临的GST问题
- GST - Margin scheme 房地产买卖的GST - 差额方案计算法
- Subdivision of the house backyard 自住房后院的分割
- Profit-making scheme 盈利模式Profit-making scheme简介
- Tax deductions relating to financing & refinancing of rental properties 出租房贷款的抵税问题
- Using home as a business premise 在家里做生意对自住房纳税的影响
- Inherited properties and capital gains tax 继承的房产与资本增值税
- The six-year rule for main residence 自住房的6年规则
- Tax issues affecting lessees of commercial properties 商业房承租人的税务问题
- Tax issues affecting lessors of commercial properties 商业房出租人的税务问题
- Property transfer and marriage breakdown 房产转换与婚姻破裂
- SMSF and property 自我管理养老金与房产
- GST withholding new rule (1) 购买新房产预扣GST 的新规则 (1)
- GST withholding new rule (2) 购买新房产预扣GST 的新规则 (2)
- GST withholding new rule (3) 购买新房产预扣GST 的新规则 (3)
- GST adjustments 房地产开发的GST调整问题
- GST on residential property development 民用住宅开发销售时的GST问题
- Property joint venture 房地产开发中正确使用物业合资方式
- Vacant land expenses 空置土地的花费的抵税问题
- Important tips to avoid tax mistakes with rental property 避免出租房报税错误的重要提示
Generic Taxation Knowledge (税务知识)
- Tax scammer alerts 税务诈骗警报
- Tax scammers in jail 税务欺诈会导致牢狱之灾
- Accountants in jail 会计因税务犯罪被判入狱
- PSI and anti-avoidance 谨慎触犯一般反避税规则
- Doing business at home 在家做生意的税务问题
- Home office expense deductibility 家庭办公室的抵税问题
- Sufficient evidence for GST claims 申报GST的充分证据
- GST on tourism business 提供旅游服务的GST问题
- Car FBT 生意名下车辆的员工福利税(FBT)
- Director responsibility & penalty notice 公司董事个人承担的公司债务
- CG marriage breakdown 婚姻关系破裂时资产分配的增值税问题
- Are you a share trader or a share investor? 您是股票交易者还是股票投资者?
- Deciding between an employee or contractor 正确区分雇员和承包商
- Employee vs contractor - case analysis 雇员和承包商的案例分析
- 2019 Federal budget 2019财政年联邦预算影响您吗?
- Deceased's tax returns 纳税人去世后的报税问题
- Key issues reviewed by ATO 税局2019财年检查的关键问题
- STP reporting 雇主报告员工工资和养老金的新要求
- FBT - Meal & entertainment 员工福利税 - 餐饮和娱乐
- How did ATO have your oversea money transfers 税局如何得到境外汇款信息
- Motor vehicle info exposes your tax info 纳税人购车信息与其纳税收入的关联
- ATO audits on individual tax returns 税局审查个人报税的案例分析
- Important changes on FHSS scheme 首次购房使用养老金政策的重要变动
LZ Phoenix Accountants & Advisers (LZ鳳凰会计事务所)
Cannington, Perth, Australia